Odd Kat Fact ( and quite possibly Uninteresting) Animas River – Durango Hike and Bike Trail

Maybe you know this, maybe you don’t… (If you do-it’s time for a hobby!):)

Each year, I celebrate October 10th as my Official “Happy Day”. This started in my college days, my Sophomore year to be exact. I lived at an address “1010 Philadelphia Street”, and enjoyed a beautiful fall day sitting on my window sill in the Round Room of “The Castle” (nickname of the aprtment) enjoying the beautiful air of Fall. Good things happened that Fall. Some bad, but inside my soul-good things happened. I learned that “I am” meant exactly that. Sometimes I don’t always exactly know who that is, but know my dreams are alive and unique and….mine.

So…on this October 10th, I find myself very introspective and “at peace”. I hope you are enjoying the same. I’ve been taking some pics.The mountain view is today from my deck, and the river is from a walk I took a few days ago in Durango – on the hike bike patch.I absolutely love the fall!

View from our deck October 10th 2008

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